To Set Us Free From All Sickness And Pain In This Present Life!

There are some who teach that Christ's sacrifice on the cross of Calvary purchased perfect physical health for all who belong to Him. This is another popular "gospel" that has no basis in God's Word, the Bible. The death rate for Christians is the same as that for non-believers: one apiece! Disease and death strike saints and sinners alike.

It is true that a truly Christian lifestyle should, in general, result in better health and longer life than a life of profligate dissipation. But those same benefits are enjoyed by unbelievers who live decent lives and are health conscious. They have nothing to do with the purpose of Christ's death.

It is also true that, because of Christ's victory over sin and death in His death and resurrection, all true believers will one day put on immortal bodies that will never know pain or disease or death, but that has nothing to do with this present life. God's people experienced sickness and death in Bible days, and they still experience them today.

It is difficult to understand how so many people can be led to believe anything that is so obviously untrue (and unscriptural) as the idea that Christians are guaranteed good physical health here and now.

Please read the rest of the quiz answers for some further insights on the purpose of Christ's death and resurrection.

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