To Give Us A New Life With Power To Live Holy Lives.

GOOD CHOICE! You have a better understanding of what God intended to accomplish through the sacrifice of His Son on the Cross of Calvary, and His subsequent resurrection than many professing Christians today seem to have. Congratulations!

There are some other answers in the quiz that are also correct.... but the answer you have given reflects the primary emphasis God has made in His Word. Most of the passages in the Bible that specifically state God's purpose at Calvary will support your answer better than all but one of the other choices in our quiz. Below are just a few examples of Bible passages that support your answer. See if you can find more. And please check out the other quiz answers and read the comments about them.

2 Corinthians 5:14, 15
Titus 2:11-14
Romans 14:9

Now back to our quiz!

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