So All Who Believe In Him Can Have Their Sins Forgiven

Oh the joy of knowing that our sins are forgiven! Yes, it was sin that made it necessary for Christ to come to earth and die on the cross. None of the benefits that flow from Calvary to the believer could be obtained without the forgiveness of sins! But forgiveness is not enough, and we should be very thankful that our salvation includes much more than that.

If someone robbed you it might be possible for you to forgive him. But then he would be nothing but a forgiven robber who might rob you again. God knows that sinful men and women need much more than forgiveness.... they need to be changed!

Yes, one of the reasons Christ died for us was to make it possible for our sins to be forgiven. But when we search the Bible for specific reasons for the death and resurrection of Christ we discover that forgiveness of sins is but one glorious aspect of our salvation. God had something better in mind than to merely forgive us for our sins and leave us unchanged.

Try some other answers from the quiz, and look up the Bible passages and see how much more there is to God's purpose for us. Now back to our quiz!

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